Photos from Southside Virginia

Archive for July 2008

Reflections in Water

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Egret Reflected

Egret Reflected

I noticed that this shot has an extra head reflected in the water   that seems to have it’s mouth open This shot was taken early in the morning at slack tide on the River by 27th St. Bridge

Written by kennj

July 27, 2008 at 6:41 pm

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Fast Growning Youngsters

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Hungry Mouths Always Open

Hungry Mouths Always Open

Hard to believe these chicks were in the egg just a short time back and will soon be at the top of the tree practicing for their first flight and learning to fish in the shallows with the adults . Come August the trees so full of nests with various sized birds will be empty and the people living under and around them can wash off the mess for the last time of the season. I can only imagine how happy they will be.

Written by kennj

July 18, 2008 at 1:40 pm

Posted in photography

Killdeer in Action

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Worshipping the Ancestors ?

Worshipping the Ancestors ?

It looks like this Killdeer is knealling in prayer at the carcass of a relative. What is really happening here I do not know but if anyone has a notion please post and give a heads up on this.. Looks like a mating ritual but I find it hard to believe this bird is not aware of how dead the bird in front of it is.

Shot taken off of Norview Ave. after the RR tracks on the right by the creek. There is a large sand embankment leading back to the RR crossing and down to the river that attracts Killdeer and Swallows along with Ducks ,Geese and a variety of Heron and Egrets at this time of the year.Unfortunatly condos are being built on this spot removing it from the available land stock for wild life to use.

Written by kennj

July 15, 2008 at 5:04 pm

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Osprey with Chick Update

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The first shot was taken about 3 weeks back so I decided to take a drive Sunday and see what condition the nest was in and how the youngster was getting along in this unusual nest. Both were just fine and the nest was just as interesting to inspect as the first time I was out here. The location is at the end of Miller Store Road after the railroad tracks on Diamond Springs Rd. and can not be missed from there .

Adult and Youngster on Nest

Adult and Youngster on Nest

Written by kennj

July 14, 2008 at 4:47 pm

Posted in photography

Urban Nest with Chick

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This is the most crazy nest in the area as it is directly across from a large trucking company and aluminum company that go all day long. It is built on top of a light post with-in 20 feet of the entrance that big rigs use all day.

Written by kennj

July 12, 2008 at 4:09 pm

Posted in photography

About our City Osprey

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Out on the Lafayette River the Osprey are out in force hunting for fish to take back to their nests where chicks wait to enjoy a meal. On a recent late afternoon I could count seven working the section of the river you can see while standing on the 27th St. Bridge .

Many of the city nests are in cell phone towers and atop other man made structures like channel markers and buoys on the river with some few conventional tree nests still in evidence from a trip down the river by boat. Most noticable to the local citizens are the nests along roads in the area atop cell towers.

More on this soon.

Written by kennj

July 11, 2008 at 7:43 pm

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Trees Full of Flight

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One of Many Busy Trees

One of Many Busy Trees

Coming onto Indian River rd. off Campostella the early light these trees might seem to be Magnolias full of flowers on first glance but these flowers are moving about and creating a din to anyone still enough to listen.At low tide only the very young and a few adults are still about as the rest head out to fish.

As beautiful a sight as it is I have great pity for the houses situated under these trees full of fish eating (and excreting) birds as for 3 plus months the occupants are in a war zone with bird bombs dropping all day and night. Nature can be very mean.

Written by kennj

July 10, 2008 at 8:21 pm

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Out of the Nest

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Through the Brush

Through the Brush

A family of Yellow Crown Night Heron chicks stand along a retaining wall watching the tide heading out. These guys just recently left the nest for the first time and are still traveling in family units to be schooled in the fine art of being  Night Heron ( I guess).

Written by kennj

July 10, 2008 at 9:12 am

Posted in photography

Woodpecker with Hummingbird Tendencies

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Playing a Trumpet Flower

Playing a Trumpet Flower

Such a strange vision I mistook this Woodpecker for a Hummingbird at first as it jumped from flower to flower. Perhaps it was eating the ants that were all over these flowers but I could have sworn it was after the nectar.

Written by kennj

July 9, 2008 at 5:47 pm

Posted in photography

Nests are full of young all over town

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Yellow Crown Night Heron Nest Overflows

Yellow Crown Night Heron Nest Overflows

Yellow Crown Night Heron Nest Overflows

There are trees full of Egrets around town and the Night Herons are busting out of there little nests quickly. Urban Osprey are in abundance at every creek and river working to keep the nestlings feed. Truly a busy time for bird familys right now.

Written by kennj

July 6, 2008 at 6:12 pm

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