Photos from Southside Virginia

Archive for November 2008

Osprey on the Hunt

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I don’t seem to be able to get these shots into the order they were taken in but I will count on the viewer to discern the proper order and sequence of events.

Once he caught his meal he hurried off to a favorite spot to enjoy his fresh kill.

These photographs were taken off the 27th street bridge in Norfolk, Va. midday but this view is played out often day after day and much more so once there are chicks in the nests.

Clicking on thumbnails will take you to a larger photograph.

Please respect my copyright on the pictures in this blog and ask if you want to use them


Written by kennj

November 30, 2008 at 9:05 pm

Posted in photography, wildlife

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Favorite Resting Spots

Favorite Resting Spots

Many young Osprey are still hanging around along the river feeding and enjoying the last warm days of fall.This young hawk has been napping here every morning for the last week along with several other youngsters.

Written by kennj

November 7, 2008 at 8:44 pm

Posted in photography