Photos from Southside Virginia

Archive for December 2008

Lynnhaven River Trip

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The day after Christmas I had the chance to go fishing off the coast with some old friends of mine. We were lucky to have some pretty decent weather to go out in although I have to admit the beating you take getting out to the fishing grounds was something I had forgotten as it has ben a long time between fishing trips for me. Most of the shots were pretty fuzzy as the boat was reluctant to stay still. for more than a few seconds at a time but below are a few pictures from the calm part of the trip in the rivers no wake zone.

I was surprised to see eight or nine Pelicans were still around and seemed no worse the wear for their effort (or lack of such)

Brown Pelican

Here is one that was close enough for a decent solo shot looking healthy and happy.


Above a couple of Gulls made comment on our progress out of the bay or our closeness to them for all I could say.

And last for now a shot of several guys in the process of cleaning there catch while the gulls waited for any leftovers

Heading Out Lynhaven Inlet

We were fortunate to have caught five keepers for the effort of the trip and will be having fresh Stripper  for a few meals in the very near future.

Below Jarad Deans show off the catch of the day.Fish photo by Mark Deans

Catch of the Day

Written by kennj

December 28, 2008 at 6:47 pm

Posted in photography

Hooded Mergansers on the Run

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Hooded Merghansers on the Fly 3

Fun watching Ducks on any type getting in and out of the water . Leaving footprints as they gain enough speed to actually get into the air.

Hooded Merghansers on the Fly 2

In this last frame I caught two of them on the other side of the bridge where the water was protected and allowed for a nice reflection.

Hooded Merghanser Couple Taking Off


Within the next month there will be more of a variety of ducks coming into the rivers for the protection the wetlands and tree lined coves allow.

These photos are my property. Please ask if you want to use them. Many Thanks


Written by kennj

December 21, 2008 at 1:08 am

Posted in photography

On a Short Rain Break

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Crow and Hawk Dance

Crow and Hawk Dance

With all the rain in the last few days I have been holed up waiting for breaks that might allow some close to home type wandering. This Red Tailed Hawk was chased by a group of crows back and forth across the wetlands around Gowrie Park  untill only the last stubborn Crow was in the chase. The Hawk finaly lost him in the upper sky ending another in flight disturbance for the Hawk.

Somewhere in a tree nearby our local Kestrel was hidding out more or less with the only clue being the other small birds removing themselves quickly from the vicinity of the offending tree. Hopefully I will have some decent close-ups of this beautiful bird at work to offer up soon.


All photos are the property of Kenn Jolemore . Please ask if you wish to use them in some fashion or the other.

Written by kennj

December 17, 2008 at 4:55 pm

Posted in photography, wildlife

Winter of the Crow

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Crow Playground

Crow Playground

While on my daily wanderings I came across the 26th St. Bridge about one in the afternoon following the sound of a large group of crow vocalizing their “I have a Hawk” sound . When I came to the end of the bridge I could see a Red Tailed Hawk heading up into the sky followed by several dozen crow. Needless to say he gained altitude so fast I did not even have an opportunity to get a photograph of him. Looking over to the Dog Park I realised there were many more Crows having a get together in the park. They seemed indifferent to anyone as I waked up to within 10 feet before they headed to the safety of the trees.

This is a recent phenomenom  and one I hope will come to an end soon . I have no trouble remembering large groups of crows traveling through the area but these guys seem to be content to stay and create havoc. Lets hope they do not become permenant residents.


Written by kennj

December 13, 2008 at 2:44 pm

A Bit Confused

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A Bit Confused

A Bit Confused

Every year around this time a small group of young Pelicans finds themselves in an environment that they are not able to deal with. All the older healthy and mature Pelicans have left to head south to warmer waters . Those who have stayed on risk loosing there lives (or at least feet) to frost bite and sickness .

I hope not to see this guy at the foot of the Granby Street Bridge again till next years warm air comes around. But if you do see an unhealthy Pelican in your wanderings please give Animal Control a ring as they may be able to help out.


Written by kennj

December 8, 2008 at 2:16 pm

Weather as a Daily Surprise

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Quickly Changing Weather

Quickly Changing Weather

Of all the places I have lived and traveled through this area has the strangest pattern (or lack of one) I have ever seen keeping everyone on there toes and the back seats of local cars full of t-shirts, sweeters, shorts , jackets, gloves and all other sorts of  clothing items.

Our beautiful rivers and streams along with the bay and ocean make this area most moderate compared to places this far north not to even mention the safest place in the country according to the late Edgar Casey who’s A.R.E. still exists today from it’s start in the 50’s.

We are a most lucky population when it comes to the weather we deal with daily. And we are blessed to live in a visually rich place.


Written by kennj

December 5, 2008 at 9:32 pm

Posted in photography

Even on A Rainy Day

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Ever wonder where all the large critters go when the weather decides to get unpleasant?

Hawks tend to look for a place where they can watch the river and all things around them while staying as dry as possible. This male Red Tailed Hawk has found a good spot at the end of Gowrie Ave. in a large pine tree just off the Lafayette River to keep tabs on all things important to him while staying fairly dry.



Written by kennj

December 1, 2008 at 12:20 pm

Posted in photography