Photos from Southside Virginia

River Otters in Tidewater Va.

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I know most folks don’t think of a city being the kind of place where you will find large amounts of wild critters but over the last few years I have seen most of the small mammals that you would find in a more sparsely populated place living in the city and suburbs around here as well as many Hawks ,Eagles ,Owls and anything else that fly’s .

This morning I was at the Campostella Bridge at 6:45am to watch the sun rise and see what kind of critters might be returning from the evening hunt when a pair of Otters swam across the cove and around the shore line heading home from their nights activities. Some how they were unaware of me until they were within 20 feet or so and even then the male came back to me and warned me away from the area I was in.

Day Break @ Campostella Bridge

In this first shot you can see the Otters coming across the cove heading directly at me.

River Otter 2-26-09 River Otter @ Dawn

As they got closer they realized that I was on the shore and split up with one swimming by me giving a wide berth while the other came straight at me swimming around splashing and talking to me.

River Otter @ Dawn 1   River Otter @ Dawn 2

Northern River Otter      a link to E-Natures web page on Northern River Otters for information on this species.

I will be returning to the area for a few days to see if these guys are regulars to the spot or if they were just passing through and will update this page with any more information of shots .

Written by kennj

February 26, 2009 at 7:02 pm

Posted in photography

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