Photos from Southside Virginia

Archive for March 2009

Elizabeth River Sunrise

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Elizabeth River @ Dawn 3-9-09

In the distance you can see the top of Va. Beach’s new downtown as represented by the Office Towers in Pembroke. Most of the river front property along this area is housing with some older industrial out of use now. Unfortunately residual chemicals like paint chips have covered the bottom of the river in many places and are the main reason that this area is in need of cleaning. Still, the beauty of this area is undeniable and judging by the wild life around here the water is cleaner than one might expect.

Egret on Post @Elizabeth River

Many Egrets gather in the shallows around the river to fish and mate . A large Rookery is close by off a cove in a stand of pine trees along Indian River Road. Soon the Egrets will be nesting again and large groups will be seen in the area fishing and frolicking .Bellow is a photograph from last year near the end of the breading season. There are many trees looking like this one in the area as space is in high demand.

Busy Tree

All photos property of Kenn Jolemore. If you wish to use them please contact me for permission and information.

P.S. I am a Grandfather again! Congrats Rick and Amena and welcome to the world Landon Charles

Written by kennj

March 11, 2009 at 2:21 pm