Photos from Southside Virginia

Young Owls Progress

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I am amazed at how quickly these recently tiny Owlets have become grown and mature looking. Their flying skills have improved greatly their confidence in their capabilities are evident with every move.

Due to the overcast conditions this morning I was able to take them by surprise in the lower trees and bushes.

Jump Off Spot

As soon as I was spotted  the larger of the two youngsters was off heading for the top of as near by pine tree while the other one decided to wait me out and see what I might be about.

In the photo below the branch the Owl is on is about 5 feet off of the ground.


  1. Amazingly we still share the planet with these and many other animals ( at least in a few places). We each need a certain amount of room and the right environment to survive, but we are taking more and more from them at an alarming rate. As people destroy the last viable forested lands for raw materials and slash and burn rain forests for farmland, we’ll see fewer of these fantastic creatures, We have failed as stewards of the planet so far. Shame on us! I can’t help but think we can do much better than this.


 Expecting to Fly



Written by kennj

July 19, 2009 at 12:08 am

2 Responses

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  1. cherokeebydesign

    July 19, 2009 at 2:02 am

  2. Great captures, Kenn. And the fact they were shot in the wild, makes them that much more exquisite.


    July 25, 2009 at 11:03 pm

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