Photos from Southside Virginia

Summers Young Critters

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Baby Racoons snuggle

Baby Racoon hang tight to each other in the absence of an adult. Considering the two adult Great Horned Owls in these woods it’s most likely a good idea for them to keep a low profile.I have seen these Owls consume an adult Possum. Not a push-over by any means.

Resting on a Reed

A mess of Swallows living under a bridge are out in the morning enjoying the early part of the day and all the little bugs on the water for breakfast. Photographing these guys on the move is a true chore.

Owls in Favorite Tree 2

Hanging out in this cool spot under the main pine canopy on a scrub oak has become one of these young Owls favorite places to be. These youngsters are quickly getting their coloring  but are less than half of adult size.

Young Owl

A quick stop along the way after being flushed from under a scrub oak. This Owl is about 5 months old .

Imature Heron & Reflection

This Immature Heron is fishing at low tide in a Gowrie Park creek off of the Lafayette River.

Written by kennj

July 27, 2009 at 12:52 am

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  1. Love the Heron. Great capture.


    August 3, 2009 at 12:19 am

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