Photos from Southside Virginia

Back On The River

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As beautiful and relaxing as Alabama was It is nice to be back on the river again at first light watching the local wildlife getting a start on it’s day. The sun is so fine when it is reflected in the water at dawn and the mundane is transfixed by the soft morning glow.

Catch @ First Light

   Nothing like a catch at first light even if a bit on the small side as fish go.

Sunrise Filterd

The sun finds it way up filtered by a tree on the water and the reflection from what is left of an old dock. Taken from the 26th St. Bridge

Fishing 10-23

An Immature Heron searches among pilings long worn beyond use other than a hiding spot for small fish and crabs


Finishing with a Kiss.

Home again.

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Written by kennj

October 26, 2009 at 1:30 am

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  1. Really great lighting in these shots.


    October 26, 2009 at 1:37 am

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