Photos from Southside Virginia

Archive for April 2010

Nest Time

with 3 comments

Osprey 03

Seems like everywhere I look I see a nest being built or inhabited by future moms and dads or in the case of larger Birds babies in the nest or at least eggs to incubate and protect(lots of large crows around right now and they love an egg as much as a Raccoon does and are just as fast to snag one out of the nest given a chance.

Landing @ Home

Needless to say this nest is well guarded by these 3rd year parents. They are well past the type of rookie mistake that would allow an egg thief to succeed in anything but a painful reminder of the sharpness of those claws.

Leaving the Nest

On the bad news side of things it looks as if the Great Horned Owls will not be having any little Owlets this year as it is very late and no little ones are calling out in the pine woods  as of yesterday at sunrise.Both the Female and Male have been sited (by me)so there is no nest to guard and it is well past egg time . Perhaps next year. We will see. In the mean time I will be checking some other spots that look promising for new Mama Owls to call home on the off chance that there may be some young elsewhere spun off old Ma.

Bald Eagle Hunting in Pines

  This is not a great shot but I happened to find this Bald Eagle in the pine woods awhile back chasing a squirrel for breakfast. He caught sight of me and got out of there before I was able to set up for a better shot. Still..

Written by kennj

April 8, 2010 at 5:49 pm

Posted in photography