Photos from Southside Virginia

Changing Seasons

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Grweat Horned Owl 2011

A Great Horned Owl in the treetops . Looks like there will be no Owlets again this year as the nesting site has been empty for the last week after being occupied for weeks prior. Considering the lateness of the season and the evident unsuitableness of the nesting site it looks like a bust for Mama Owl.

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 Returning to the Nest_

Breeding season has just begun for the Great Egret in this area and the usual Rookery is filling up fast with hundreds of birds fighting for the best spot in the trees

Threes a Crowd_

In no time at all there will be little Egrets all over the place.

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Written by kennj

April 7, 2011 at 2:07 pm

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